Sunday 10 March 2013

Time for UKIP to realise its position.

The last couple of weeks have certainly placed UKIP in the spotlight and finally we are seeing media coverage worthy of a main political party, like ours! But of course as we progress the job of the party decision makers becomes increasingly difficult.
The recent news of Nigel meeting with Rupert Murdoch may have raised eyebrows both in and out of the party however our new found 'higher' status will mean dealing with situations and people who we may not necessarily like but who are something of a necessary evil, Murdoch being a prime example. Like him, loathe him or admire him, he has the power and influence that our party must recognise as beneficial. That said, I think it was the content of the meeting that caused perhaps greater concern to some than the actual individual with whom the meeting was held. At this point I'd like to point out that no confirmation has been given of the meetings content, however the issue has been raised before. I am of course referring to the possibility of a electoral pact with the Tories. To some this is seen as the ultimate betrayal and to others it's viewed as a sensible and logical path for progression of the party to attain influence and power. Whatever your view we now must realise our new and rightful position. We are no longer just a pressure group or just a place for disgruntled Tories to come and vent their spleen. We are a genuine political force that caters for peoples views from right to left. No other party presents this offer and we are now reaping the rewards of the public waking up to what is a breath of fresh air. It's vitally important to realise our own autonomy and not sell ourselves short at any level. We all should be proud to be where we are but there is much still to do, the only difference now is the other parties call ill afford to dismiss us, after all we are setting their agendas!

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